New Batman Movie Trying to Renormalize Bats (Again)?

Nick Martinez
3 min readAug 25, 2020


The trailer for the new Batman movie, starring Robert Pattinson, got released and it looks BADASS. It’s got a rather dark tone to it that reminds me a lot of DC Comic’s latest ‘Joker’ release. I can see them trending towards (or continuing) a darker/grittier take on the superhero movie genre to combat their bright and bubbly rival, Disney-owned, Marvel. I digress as we need to get to the real concern for with this upcoming movie which is hitting the minds of people across the globe. The real question is, is this movie a convenient release for bats to get back into the good graces of the public?

As you can see from the graph above, Batman (The Comic) was initially created to combat the negative public view on bats after the first ‘Dracula’ film was created. Since the release of Batman comics, bats have seen a meteoric rise in credibility. They have allowed their spokesperson, Batman, to become the face of the species. Bruce Wayne has managed to allure people to see spaces filled with bats in caves and even bridges in Austin, Texas! Regardless of having Ben Affleck as Batman, bats had managed to show their dominance since 1937 and were on a positive (50+ %) hot-streak. It wasn’t until this year that bats came out and absolutely tanked hard.

It was already trending downwards after oddly cheering for Batman’s primary antagonist, The Joker, is his own movie in 2019, but nobody could have predicted COVID. Creating a pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands, decimated economies, brought upon heaves of mental health issues, and ruined the day-to-day lives of almost the entire globe is a bad look for bats everywhere. They dropped down to a 0.001% approval rating in the US! EVEN LOWER THAN AFTER THE DRACULA RELEASE!! Ben Affleck certainly wasn’t helping so what does the government/Hollywood do? Tap Batman into the ring.

They didn’t just get any run of the mill guy to play Batman either. They could have asked Christian Bale to suit up for the role again, but that would have been too obvious and would have easily given away the bat-spiracy. Instead, they tapped the only other Bat-icon who served his bat/vampire role in Twilight. This was during that same Bale-era Batman when bat-ratings were at 98–99% approval, Robert Pattinson.

Nobody could help shape the worlds’ views on bats, post-COVID quite like the face of the species, Batman. Here the masked vigilante comes once again to be the hero bats “deserve” and in fact, the one they need right now. I am not quite sure why public perception of bats is so important, but I know there’s a deep conspiracy at play here from either Hollywood, the government, or both. I hope that this post inspires someone to uncover the truth behind this elaborate conspiracy.

Songs played while writing:

John Mayer — Continuum [Album]



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